Sports Medicine
The Saanich Peninsula is an outdoor playground for activity. Our Active Balance Physiotherapists want to help you get the most enjoyment out of your sporting experience. Whether it is water sports, land sports, individual sports or team sports, our Active Balance Physiotherapy team has joint expertise and experience in west coast activities and want to help you get back to the activities you love.
Maybe in spite of proper shoes, bike fits and cutting edge equipment you are getting injured and experiencing pain? Or maybe after many hours of training you are still not winning the races or tournaments you set out to win?
Let us do a full body assessment and determine if there are parts of your body limiting your mobility and strength. Our physiotherapists at Active Balance Physiotherapy Studio are experts in assessing your technique and compensatory strategies to optimize your efficiency, power, and endurance. We will correct your compensatory strategies and optimize your mechanics to keep you efficient and injury free in the sport you love.